This wedding (for us at least) has been a year in the making. Last summer we ran a contest and Torin and Travis were the winners!!! The contestants were required to create an inspiration board of their vision for their wedding day as their submission and then their friends and family voted for the favorite. I’m thrilled that Torin and Travis won! Not only was Torin’s inspiration board beautiful, but I actually photographed her high school senior photos what seems like forever ago! Actually, 2006 kind of WAS forever ago. Torin was and still is one of my favorite clients. 🙂
Their wedding day was as beautiful and heartfelt as the inspiration board promised it would be. Saylor and I were honored to be a part of it! Before sharing the photos from the big day I would like to share the inspiration board that started it all:

Now for Torin and Travis’s wedding!
The garland used to decorate the entrance to the reception was made of love notes that Torin and Travis have written over the years. I LOVE this idea. So personal and sweet.
This creation by Bake Rejoice in downtown Plano has to be one of the coolest groom’s cakes we’ve seen!
There was a special toast given via video by the brides’ brother who is currently in Afghanistan. Torin knew nothing about it and it was quite the surprise and very emotional for her. Since my own brother is also currently deployed to Afghanistan this hit a little too close to home and I took most of these photos through tears.
One final dance for the bride and groom and then off to their “happily ever after” 🙂