Must keep reading.

I read every night before I go to sleep.  If I don’t have a book, I feel a little panicky because I know I won’t be able to sleep well that night.  Reading shuts my mind off.  I stop thinking about all the worries of the day as I get immersed in someone ELSE’S worries and drama.

I’ve always been an avid reader.  In high school I read on the bus to and from school.  I spent most of our family vacations reading.  I was ALWAYS reading.  In college, I majored in what else….English.  It was somewhere around this time that I began to get tired of reading.  After all, when you are assigned to read 7 novels in the course of a semester for just ONE of 3 literature courses it does tend to get old.  I never really caught the reading bug again until about two years ago.  Now, it’s every night before I go to sleep, unless it’s a really juicy novel, then just TRY and rip it out of my hands.  My whole life will fall apart until that book is finished.

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My absolute favorites in the past year have been: The Pillars of the Earth, World Without End both by Ken Follett, Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert and (ashamed to admit) The Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer.

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