Monday Musings: The one where I share goals for 2012

I would like to say that I have my goals clearly defined for 2012. I don’t.  It’s okay and I’m going to go with it.  Last year I was ready and excited for 2011 to start.  Couldn’t wait, as a matter of fact.  Last year I had RESOLVE and was bound and determined for 2011 to be the BEST YEAR EVER.  It didn’t quite work out the way I had planned. 2011 turned out to be a struggle in many ways.  It started off great, but somewhere around the middle it got kind of lousy.  Without going into too many details let’s just say that I struggled with my friendships, my business and my health.  I’m still struggling…..and learning.  I think 2011 was a year that God was working on me.  Telling me that my way was not the right way or the path he had planned for me.  What can I say, I’m pretty stubborn.

One truth that has stuck with me over this year and gotten me through was that I know God has the very best intentions in mind for me.  I know because He told me so:

P I N this to pinterest

So, 2012 may not be starting off with a set list of defined goals, but I can faintly see the big picture of where I want to be.  Right now, it’s a quiet whisper, but give it time and you’ll hear me roar!

  • Linnette

    #2 Great Shot

  • Linnette

    MY vote #2

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