Project Life 2012 | Weeks 1-4

As much as I hate to admit it I have finally come to terms with the fact that I am a TERRIBLE blogger. Maybe, terrible is a bit too harsh. I think sporadic is a more appropriate word to describe my blogging. I truly, truly want to blog more, but it is just overwhelming at times so I finally had to just be okay with it. I have finally made peace with my blogging insufficiency and I’m okay with it and I hope you are okay with it too. 😉 Thanks.

I thought it would be fun to show you a little project I HAVE been keeping up with. Project Life!! I introduced it a few weeks ago by sharing my title page and telling you a little bit about just what Project Life is exactly. I’m caught up through week 4 of 2012 and I want to share a little glimpse into our everyday life. This is scary, some of this is real, real life. Like the photo of me with no makeup, but it’s us documented forever and I love it! Flip through my pages below.
By the way, on week 3 I have 1-6×9 insert and 1-8×8 insert so that is why those pages look a bit different.

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I am really loving this project!  Honestly, I have struggled a bit and might make it to Wednesday without taking any photos for the week and then once I remember I take too many.  I am beginning to find a rhythm that works for me.

One thing that is REALLY working for me is the Day One app that reminds me twice a day to write down something about what is going on.  I am not really using it to journal.  I’m actually just listing some things that happened that day to jog my memory later.  If there is a specific thing that I want to remember like something Mia said I can jot it down as quickly as sending a text.  It has been very helpful!  I highly recommend looking into Project Life for yourself!

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