Summer Crushin’

What is it with summer that makes me into an instant insomniac, with no regard for time or schedules? I lose hours doing nothing at the pool or surfing the internet (does anyone say SURF the internet anymore?). Isn’t summer great?!!
I have to admit, I’ve got several summer crushes and want to share them with you. 🙂
Here are my TOP FIVE summer crushes:

1. A Beautiful Mess–by Elsie Larson I’ve followed this lovely little blog for several years.  Elsie is one of my scrapbook heros and I LOVE her personal style.  Her adorable drawings as buttons just make this a fun blog to read!

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2. THIS wedding–Speaking of the adorable Elsie Larson her recent wedding has my heart pitter-patting.  I can’t get enough of the handmade details!  Check it out! The hour or more of your life you lose won’t be missed at all. I promise!  Photo below by the amazing Arrow & Apple. LOVE their work!

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photo by Arrow and Apple

3.  Kendi Everyday–Dressing fashionably and doing laundry are not on my list of talents.  I am fascinated by people that ALWAYS look cute and put together.  HOW do they do it?  I mean, seriously?  And the bigger question is how do they keep it all clean, organized and coordinated without slipping into a deep depression of laundry misery?  Enter Kendi Everyday and her 30 for 30 remix project.  As I read about how she chooses 30 items of clothing and ‘remixes’ them into 30 different outfits over the course of 30 days I can see the light at the end of the laundry tunnel.  If I only have 30 pieces of clothing then I could actually keep those folded and put away and not be drowning under the laundry mountain that resides on the floor of my closet!!!  Let’s be honest, I’m probably going to have more than 30 pieces for each season, but 50 sounds reasonable and managable!  Along with soaking up fashion ideas, I am LOVING her series on creating a working closet.  Can’t wait to get started on creating my own working closet!

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4.–Once I have Purged, Accessed and organized my closet I am going to need to purchase a few items to complete my wardrobe and THIS is the place I’m going to do it.  I have been drooling over their lovely, vintagy dresses and tops forever.  I love that you can create a love list. Check out what I love right now…you know, just in case you want to buy me something. 😉

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5. HBO Go and Netflix–Watching all the past series that I have missed.  This may have contributed to the above mentioned insomnia.  Don’t even ask about how I lost the entire month of May while I watched all 100 episodes of Nip/Tuck.  Seriously, DON’T ask.

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So what are YOUR summer crushes?  Would love for you to share with links please! Have a fabulous weekend. 😉

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