Kitchen Dreaming | Monday Musings

Monday is an important day of the week.  It’s a good day for new beginnings…..Don’t most people start a new diet (or renew their commitment to dieting) on Monday?  I know technically Sunday is the first day of the week, but to me it really feels like the perfect, relaxing, winding down END to a week.  Monday is the real beginning.  So, I thought Monday would be the perfect day to introduce some new things here on the blog:

1. A new feature called Monday Musings. This is a weekly feature on the blog where I will share what Saylor and I daydream about. Look forward to it. 🙂

2. A new obsession of mine: If you haven’t discovered this fabulous website you absolutely MUST check it out!  Pinterest allows you to browse through images by category and create inspiration boards by “pinning” your favorite images. You can search and gawk and ogle gorgeous images until your eyes bleed and your head explodes and you won’t be able to stop.  It’s perfection!

So, recently we’ve been daydreaming a lot about remodeling our kitchen.  I’ve used Pinterest to collect images and put together an inspiration board entitled “The Kitchen of My Dreams”  Here are some of the images I’ve pinned to my board. Can’t you envision this fabulous rustic chic kitchen?  It will be mine someday………….

[full-image]rustic chic kitchen inspiration boardP I N this to pinterest[/full-image]

See more of my kitchen daydreaming and follow me on Pinterest here. Happy Monday everyone!

  • Wanda

    Don’t forget your Mondays !

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