I’m working on.

Read this post on Ali Edwards’s blog this morning and it inspired me……

I’m working on helping a friend decide on a name for her new business.  It’s very difficult!  What’s in a name?  Well, actually, EVERYTHING.

I’m working on being more positive.  This time of year is slow for me and when things get slow it gives me time to think.  Which is not always good.  It gives me time to worry (which I am very prone to do) and to ‘what if’.  Definitely working on not being down on myself.

I’m working on a personal project.  A book of photos and stories of my family.  I’ve been using my memory logbook to record day to day activities and tidbits of our everyday life.  I’m also taking more photos of everyday stuff.  I’ve discovered Instagram and take a ton of photos of stuff I want to remember from my shoes in step class to Mia’s leaf collection.  This is my life right now and messy as it is I want to remember it just the way it is RIGHT now.  Saylor takes Instagram photos too and between his photos, my photos and the few photos I get with the “real” camera I am able to put together a little snapshot of our life right now.  I am loving this project!  I’m basing it on a few of  Ali Edwards’s projects. Mainly her ‘Today You’ and ‘A Week in the Life‘ projects.  I’m using a ton of her digital products from Designer Digitals and a few items from Paislee Press.

P I N this to pinterestP I N this to pinterest

I’m working on figuring out how to balance diet and exercise with my urge to overindulge.

I’m working on drinking more water and going to the gym more.

I’m working on making this my mantra: She believed she could. So she did.

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