Vacation Bible School.

Last week I got to participate in our church’s VBS.  For the last 5 years I have been the official photographer for VBS.  I document the week and make a slideshow to show at the Wednesday night wrap up service.  Some years I look forward to it more than others, but this year was one of my favorites!

It’s so easy to get busy with work, kids, schedules and LIFE that sometimes as adults we forget was is really important.  Capturing photos of children singing and praying and being joyful in the Lord really put things into perspective for me last week.  It reminded me of what I am REALLY doing here on this earth and that I need to slow down and make time for myself to be joyful in the Lord.

Here is the slideshow of the week.  See if it doesn’t put you in a better frame of mind too.

VBS 2010 from Cindy Mills on Vimeo.

Matthew 18:3:
3 Then he said, “I tell you the truth, unless you turn from your sins and become like little children, you will never get into the Kingdom of Heaven.

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