I’m THAT mom.

So, we are already at the beginning of the 2nd half of the school year.  It is flying by!  You would think by now I would have the morning routine down pat. Alarm, get dressed, wake the kiddo, make breakfast, pack lunch, brush hair, sign folder, tie shoes, leisurely drive to school, meaningful conversation with daughter in car, drop off, home.

Well, that is not exactly how it goes around here.

It’s more like this: Alarm, GROAN, snooze, Alarm again, GROOOOOAN, get up, dig through closet for the sweat pants I wore yesterday,  remind self that I MUST do laundry TODAY, wake up kiddo, she groans, make cinnamon toast for the 25th day in a row, dig through laundry room for outfit for kid, wake up kid AGAIN, pack lunch while trying to convince kid that she should buy lunch, Yell at kid to get out of bed already!!, serve slightly burnt cinnamon toast on a paper plate, turn off Spongebob because we have to leave in 5 mins and kid is STILL not dressed, try to find kid’s shoes, try to find MY shoes, put on mis-matched socks and flip-flops (yes, socks AND flip-flops), yell at kid “we’re late, we’re late, hurry up, hastily brush kid’s hair, Yell at kid to find folder so I can sign it, tie kid’s shoes and run to the car, hurried drive through two school zones while lecturing my 6 year old on what the word HURRY actually means, finally arrive at school and drop off, home, COFFEE, breathe.

I wish I could be the mom that has it all together.  You know the one.  They arrive to drop their kids off at school with hair and makeup done and dressed like they just stepped out of the pages of a magazine.  Something like this:

P I N this to pinterestP I N this to pinterest

Unfortunately, the reality is that I’m lucky to make it out of the house in one piece.  I’m THAT mom.  The one that wears sweats, mis-matched socks and flip flops, no makeup and probably a messy ponytail.  Some days I may or may not even have time to put on ALL the proper undergarments, but I’m not getting out of the car so who is going to see me?  This is a better representation of what I look like in the carpool lane:

Well, with the exception of the baby.  My baby is the one getting dropped off at school.  She is probably relived to get out of the car with the crazy woman.

Sigh.  One day, I will take the time to get up and be one of those put together moms, but for the time beginning those 9 extra minutes of sleep from hitting the snooze alarm is TOTALLY worth it. 😉

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