Growing up

This week Mia had an assignment for school.  She was required to bring a baby photo and a photo of herself now.  It wasn’t easy choosing a baby photo that wouldn’t embarrass her in front of her classmates. No naked photos and no diaper photos Mom!  Well, what Mia doesn’t remember is that is was almost impossible to keep a diaper on her much less clothing. LOL!  I found one, that I think my mom actually took, in my favorite striped pjs.  It’s so funny to try to remember Mia like this.  I barely can.  It’s like this time period was a million years ago in a different lifetime.  The first two years of Mia’s life were pretty much a blur.  Thank goodness I have photos to remind me of what happened. 🙂

Anyway, back to the assignment.  The class is going to discuss what they were like THEN (in the baby photo) and what they are like NOW (in their recent photo.  I love this concept and thought it would be fun to share what life was like for ME then and now.  I know you’re excited.  Here goes:

[full-image]P I N this to pinterest[/full-image]


  • *I was a stay at home mom.  That’s it.  I didn’t do anything else.  How did I fill my days?  I KNOW it wasn’t cleaning the house! LOL.
  • *I got up 2-3 times a night with Mia.  She didn’t sleep through the night consistently until 15 months!
  • *My hair was short…and blond. 😉
  • *Saylor and I shared one computer.
  • *I was just beginning my photography business.  JUST starting!
  • *I hated working out.  I didn’t do it EVER.
  • *My thyroid was out of control and I napped several times a day just to survive



  • *I’m a full time work from home mom.  I still don’t clean the house, but now it’s because I don’t have the time.
  • *I got up with Mia last night when she had a bad dream.  On the bright side, she doesn’t need us to tuck her in anymore. She puts herself to bed.
  • *My hair is long and RED!!!  Think I’ll stick with this for awhile.
  • *If you count all the iPhones, iPad etc. We now own 6 ways to access the internet……and facebook.  We like the internet.
  • *Our photography business just celebrated it’s 5 birthday AND we just lauched a new website and brand.  Couldn’t be more excited about this.  A blog post about it all coming soon….
  • *I still don’t love to work out, but I do LOVE step class.  I go to the gym 3-4 times a week.
  • *My thyroid is mostly under control and I only nap on Sundays. 😉

[image] P I N this to pinterest[/image]
[image] P I N this to pinterest [/image]

The best thing about NOW is that Mia is old enough to remember this time in her life.  She is so much fun right now! The photo on the left was Mia right before a trip with her Daisy troop.  The photo on the right was taken in February when we missed 4 days of school for snow.

  • MOM

    Isn’t life wonderful !

  • Cindy

    Absolutely!!! 🙂

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