These photos are special to me, because of the special people that are in them………
You see, I have a brother, but Ed was in 1st grade when I left home for college. I didn’t have a brother that did all those crazy frustrating, gross things that brothers are generally know for. The most my brother and I argued over was what to watch on TV. He always wanted cartoons and I wanted “Gone with the Wind.” Not really much sibling angst going on at my house. It was nice and I love my little brother dearly. 🙂
Enter, one Mr. Sean Kirkpatrick. We met the beginning of my Sophomore (his Freshman) year of college at Lubbock Christian University. He literally plopped himself down at a table in the cafeteria I was sharing with my roommate, Rachel and asked “What are we doing tonight?” The three of us were inseparable from that moment on. When we all moved off campus we got apartments in the same complex and there were many nights when I came home from work Sean would be eating leftovers from our fridge. Rachel, Sean and I pledged together and I remember crying my eyes out when his (real) sister, Amanda the girl’s pledge master, yelled at him in front of us. Over the years we fought, argued, partied and laughed and laughed and LAUGHED together. There are very few of my precious memories from college that don’t include Sean and Rachel. They were (are) my brother and sister. My family.
Well, my adopted baby brother is getting married soon and I was honored to take some engagement photos for him and his lovely fiance, Trisha this past weekend. It was quite the adventure, as outings with Sean tend to be. They came all the way from Lubbock and met us in Deep Ellum.
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The session started off great and then we headed to our second location and found all the streets blocked off for an event. That was just the beginning of the adventures that included getting kicked out of a location, more roadblocks, having to stop for gas, a fortune telling homeless woman and poor Trisha getting sick at the side of the lake. Trisha was quite the trooper. She is perfect for Sean and I instantly loved her! She is now part of my adopted family too. Can’t wait to hang out with them again.
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We ended the evening at White Rock Lake for some sunset pictures on the dock. This engagement session didn’t go anywhere according to plan, but it made for a perfect memory that I will cherish for always. Congratualtions, Sean and Trish! I couldn’t be more happy for you both!
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# 2
Number 8
Vote for #1
#1 all the way 🙂
Gotta vote for #4! Love them Ruibals!!!
Senior Boy! Love it!
Senior Boy! Love it!
#1 Adalgis
#4 Wonderful family
My vote is for the first picture! What a great Senior Picture of Adalgis!!
#1 Honest, sweet picture
#1 Aldagis!! Great pic!
#1 🙂
I would like to vote for the first picture of Adalgis 🙂
I love all of them, but # 1 is my fav
my vote is for #1 🙂
#1 The photo color is so bright and clear.
Vote for #1
Adalgis #1
my vote is for Adalgis!
Picture #1! What a great shot and coloring!!
I vote for #1. Now days, to see a teenager with such a caml peaceful look on their face, makes me feel peaceful. Not only that, but he is downright handsome!
vote # 1
Love #1
# 1
Photo #1 is awesome!
I vote for # 1
I vote for #1. Beautiful photo.
#1 it is!!
I vote #1
Definitley #1
vote for #1
Photo Number 1
#1….super cute!!!!
My favorite is #4
Adalgis #1
Vote for #1
#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Great photo!
I vote for #1
#1 is awesome!
Go Adalgis! Love the pics!
My vote is for #1
yay for #1! 🙂
I like #1’s picture
#1 is the winner!!
: Adalgis is #1 How precious!
Post #1 has my vote!
I love this picture. It catures his sweet demeanor.
I vote for #1
#1, what a nice looking young man
#1 This picture makes me want to sit and get to know this young man.
#1 is my choice. Love the expression on his face.
I vote for #3!
Vote for #3 The photo that you took of me is something I will cherish for the rest of my life! Thank you both so so so very much! 🙂
Have to vote for #1. The love his expression and the colors are so beautiful!
#1 is the winner!!
I vote for #5
#1 for sure!
Number 1 is my favorite
#1~ What a sweet soul!!
#1 is my favorite!
I vote for #3!!
#9 is my favorite!
I vote #9
#9 Lesli and Brett
I vote #9!! love it!
#4 all the way
Lesli and Brett
#9 Lesli and Brett
Lucky number 9
Lesli & Brett 🙂
#2 😉
love #2!
like the # 2 pic
love #2
I vote for Image #2 !!!!!
I vote for #2
I vote for #2!!!
# 5
#9 Lesli
I like #2
like #4
#2 is awesome!
I vote for Lesli & Brett
I like #2
I love #2 him lifting her off the ground and her with the leg bent back. It’s so Hollywood romance.
I love #5!
#5 She’s beautiful
Vote for #2
# 5
# 5
# 5
#6 is my favorite
#1 picure is my favorite,I think that boy is very potential he defenitly need to be a model!!!!
I vote for #9!
#2 great pic
I like #2
Picture #1
vote for #9
#9 if the one
cute couple #9
#2 is best in show
Hands Down the best is #9
I vote #9
#9! Love it!
my vote goes to #9
vote for #9
I vote for #2 for sure!
#9 gets our vote
#2 is great!
for sure #9
#2 is so beautiful! My favorite picture yet!
Definitely #2
Gorgeous Sean! You make a beautiful couple!
#2 Sorry forgot to put the pic #
#5….but I love them all.
# 2
Picture #9
#9 !!
#9 lesli and brett
voting for # 9
Beautiful couple # 9
#9 Simple background lets the couple really stand out!
#2 Sean & Trish
#2, certain winner!
#2 = best on site
vote for #5
#9 Lesli & Brett
Definite Winner- how romantic!!
#9 Leslie & Brett
Vote #9
#2 is the best!
#2 is definitely my favorite!
#9 Lesli and Brett
I love picture #2.
#2 is my fave!!!!
I like #2
Love #2
#2 awesome pic
#9 no doubt!
love number 9
#9 – L and B
9 – my granddaughter
#5- the type portrait you hang over a mantle
Number 5
I vote for #5
I vote #9, my precious name sake!!
I vote for Image #2
#2 looks great
I vote for Lesli & Brett #9
I’ll go with #2
#2 should win!
#2 is great
Sean & Trish #2
I vote for #2!
I vote for #5!
#5-Beautiful bride
#5 has it
#5 is SO the BEST 🙂
#5 is my favorite!!
Sean and Trish #2
#2 all the way!!
#1 Best Picture
#5….You guys are the best!
I love #5!
I vote #2
#2 is the best!
5 should win!
Very classy #5
The handsome man in #2!
#5 beautifull
I like #2!
#2 Great Couple!
#9 -Brett & Lesli look so much in love!
#2 — Unique
#9 again!
#9 -Daddy’s girl
vote #9
vote for #9
vote for #9
vote #9
Very sweet is a wonderful feeling
#9 is the best
#2 precious picture
#5 has to be it
#5 is it!
#5 should win!
#5 🙂
vote is #9
vote #9
vote for #9
vote #9
i like the 2nd print.
i vote for #9
vote for #9
# 5
Lesli & Brett, #9
#9 they are lookin fine
The girl in #5 is cute enough to be my niece. I vote for her.
#2 is my fav!
Leslie & Brett #9
#9 is my favorite
#9 is the best!!!
Vote #9
#9 is the best
#2 is the best
#5 beautiful
#9 is best
This is the one I vote for!!
#5 The BEST of the best
#5 Striking
#5 Great pose
#5 Beautiful
2 is the best
#5 Teriffic photo
vote #9
vote #9
#9 -Lesli & Brett
number 9
vote for #9
#9 please
#9 – cute
vote 9
of course #9
beautiful #9
number #9
beautiful #9
vote for #9
#9 for sure
#9-so beautiful
Love #9
#9, precious namesake!
#9 Beautiful and sweet couple!
#9 is the best
#9 Lesli & Brett
# 9 is my favorite
number 9!!!
#9 is awesome
I looooove #2!!!!
#5 is the best!
I like #5
Lovely #5
#2 is great
Like the # 2 pic!
# 9
# 9
My vote is photo #9
My vote is #5 Courtney
why #2 of course
i vote for #2
Love #5
#2 by all means!
vote for #9
#9-great photo
winner #9
no doubt #9
vote 9
#9 is my vote
love #9
i vote number 9
#9 – very nice
vote is for #9
number 9-great couple
#9-great gal
i want #9
i would like #9
all grown up – #9
so pretty -#9
I vote for #5
great – 9
wow- #9
voting with the rest for #9
they are cute – #9
OMG – #9
beautiful couple – #9
for me #9
grow too fast – #9
I like #9
#2 is the greatest
i vote for #9 !
Image #2 is my choice
#2 Super content
#2 gets my vote
#5 is the most stunning picture of all
#10 gets my vote
#5 ftw
#5needs to win
I vote for 5
#5 for sure!
I vote for 5
#5 Picture perfect
It’s got to be #5
vote is #9
best shot #5
always my fav – #9
the best is #9
number 9
proud – #9
#9 always
#1 all the pics are wonderful…but #1 is my favorite! There is ust something about his eyes!!!!
sweet #9
vote #9
vote for #9
number 9
#5 Magazine material
i vote #9
my vote is #9
Still think #5 is great!!
Vote for # 9
#5 Just beautiful
# 9 is my vote
#5 for sure
#9 is awesome
number nine!!!!!
#9 is the best by far
# 9!!!!
I vote # 5
all great – vote #9
put me in for #9
beautiful & handsome -#9
mine is #9
#2 is the best!
vote for number 9
perfect pair – #9
I agree – #9
Black and White #2!
Number 5, great picture.
#2 all the way
#9 Great Picture
vote for #9 -what a great kiss!!
#2 Looking good
#5 is beautiful.
I love #5!
#5 🙂
I like 5!!
#5 is very pretty
#5 is awesome!
5 gets my vote
My vote is for #9. Love it!
My vote is for #9!
My vote is for #9!
I am wowed by photo #2.
My vote is #9
Like number 9
Favorite is #2
Image #2 is my winner
Favorite is #2
Love #9
#9 for sure
#5 Awsome
#5 Beautiful
#2 for sure
i love #5
#5 is the BEST
I like #5.
I love #2
i like #5.
#5 Great lighting
love #9
#5 Just beautiful
#5 for sure
My fav is #5
I like #5
i like # 5
#9 vote
cindy & saylor tbh it is really hard they are all beautiful but i think i would have to go with # 1 he is so dang cute !! thanks for sharing you guys are great.
#9 – Isn’t love grand
#10 – Time of Advance Request Made: 8months,Flight Time: 24hrs, Airfare: $1800, Military Swords: 8, TidePens to clean up Uniform: 4, Wedding Gift: 1 Jukebox, Memory having all your Shipmates fly to Texas to see your best friends be wedded: PRICELESS
Awesome! BEST COMMENT made on our blog EVER! Thanks.
#2 – the best and most romantic
they really are perfect together – #9
true love does work at first sight – #9
Lesli & Brett – #9
vote #9
#9 -vote for my granddaughter
Lesli – #9
Les & Brett – #9
#9 – winner
#2 is the most unique
#2 gets my vote
photo #9
#5 Striking photo
# 5 wow
# 5
#5 still
#9 is great
#5 simply stunning!
#5… hands down
Love the reflection pool on days without festivals! 🙂 #2
The Best #9
great photo – #9
just for you guys – #9
# 5 she’s stunning
#2 Super backdrop
Numero dos!
so in love -#9
# 9
Woo Hoo #9
Vote for #2
Lesli & Brett please
#5 great picture
#5 is the only choice here!
i like number five!
#5 please
i love #5
#5 is great
for sure #9
sure #9
#9 is my fave
#5 is beautiful
#5 Georgous
#5 has it
#5 Terrific
#5 my Favorite
#5 Exquisite
#5 beautiful
5 should win!
I vote for 5
5 is my vote
My vote is #5
I vote for 5
5 should win
I vote for 5
5 is the best!
my vote is #9
picture 5
happy for both #9
vote is for #9
going with #9
lovely photo – #9
vote 9
i will vote #9
#5 Beautiful Bride
# 5 Lovely
#5 for sure
# 5
vote number 9
love #9
sweet Lesli – #9
I vote #2
Love #5
#2 is the best
my vote is for # 9
#2 Charming
#2 por favor
my vote goes to #9
#9 please
I love number 9
9 please
#9 is so pretty
9 is great
9 all the way
i like 9
nine is classic
good looking couple in #9-my favorite
9 is beautiful
9 please
#9 such a classy couple
good looking lady in number nine…….guy is a little goofy, but I guess I”ll still vote for them! #9
Number 5
#5 is stunning
#5 is beautiful
#9 is awesome
number 9
i like #9
#2 is my choice
It’s #5
My vote is #5
They are all wonderful. My vote is for #5
Gotta be #5
number 5
#9 – Love conquers all
#9 is awesome
#9 is the best
#9 has to win
9 is so so beautiful
hope they win #9
wish the best #9
good luck #9
still a winner #9
love you guys #9
#2 – A winner !
#2 is fabulous!!!!
# 5 My favorite
#5 A winner
#5 I Like
#9 Is A WINNER!!!
#9 Is The BEST
great pictures my vote goes to #2
#5 all the way
#5 is the one
# 5
I vote for # 5
#2 is the winner
#2 should be winning!
My vote is for #9!
My vote is for #9!
My vote is for #9!
My vote is for #9!
#9 They look great!!