A sweet surprise.

Recently I blogged about a session Saylor and I did for a fun couple.  I mentioned that LaToya had been reading my blog for awhile and how much that meant to me.  Well, internet, LaToya topped herself.  As if it’s not enough that she actually READS my blog, she remembers my daughter’s name and……wait for it…….BOUGHT HER A GIFT while on her honeymoon in Hawaii!  I don’t really have the words to explain how touched I was that someone thought enough of us to remember Mia while on her honeymoon.  LaToya, you are truly a thoughtful, genuine person and I’m blessed to have met you.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart for thinking of Mia.

She was thrilled with her gift!

P I N this to pinterestMy WORD, this girl needs a haircut!  I swear her bangs grow faster than I can begin keep up with!

P I N this to pinterest

  • LaToya

    I am so glad she liked it!!!

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